Fasteline meet-up

This Saturday was once again dedicated to the Fasteline meet-up hosted by Musen
We started off by visiting AROS, though there wasn't much new to see, as one of the main exhibitions, was the same as last time we went there - and the new one, had too many people visiting.

But, just like last time, I was ecstatic about Lemmerz Ghost exhibition! I noticed a lot of new things in his works this time, I even couldn't remember some of them.

Later we went to SHARKS, as usual, to eat.
This time I had the brownie with ice cream!

It was quite expensive for the amount, and the taste wasn't great.. Definitely going to get the sundae ice cream next time!
But I didn't go away disappointed - the milkshake was great, and I got to eat everyones scraps ♥ You guys are so sweet!

As this month is Fastelavn (Shrovetide ?) I decided to dress up more fancy than usual. I had ordered a masquerade mask especially for this occasion!

The skirt looks quite short on the picture, haha. And flat shoes make my legs chubby.. But I really like this co-ord!

Pictures by Zarsu

9 kommentarer:

  1. Rent ud sagt er jeg fulstændig forelsket i det outfit!! <3

  2. OMG E.T.!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3

    Ej, Astrid dit outfit er HELT fantastisk OAO

  3. Damn!! Du ser bare så sofistikeret ud! Jeg elsker at det hele ser meget high fashion ud! Man kunne sagtens se det outfit på en catwalk!
    Har selv overvejet den jakke! Den er bare så fed!!
    Dine ben ser bestemt ikke chubby ud! Men måske er det "båndet" om anklen som lige dækker det smalleste sted på dit ben, og giver illusionen af bredde?


  4. Damn that outfit is gorgeous! You look g-r-e-a-t.
    I love gold x bordeaux x black.

    And I really want to visit AROS sometime. It looks so cool!

  5. "Her kommer jeg og propper lige 4 prikker i mit ansigt. Ja jegg ved godt at alle andre ville se komplet ånssvage ud, men ikke mig!"

    <3 sounds so good! And looks like great fun :D
