ART: without title

These three are payment for a set of markers I got from my former school - super cool of them to let me pay with drawings!
Speaking of drawings - I'm able to train my hand a bit now (!!!) which is lovely, I've missed drawing, more than anyone can imagine. Drawing with my left hand just isn't the same :( 
Last week I got my light-table back. It's been at my parents place since I moved out over 2 years ago, and boy did I miss it!!
I ended up making 7 different profiles, and here you see four of them - sketch, colour test, and two of the three finished linearts. I even made two of one of them, so I have something to put in my portfolio.

4 kommentarer:

  1. Hvor er de flotte!!
    - Kristine <3

  2. That, right there, is pretty damn cool!

  3. Det varmer virkelig indeni, at se noget du har tegnet igen! Jeg kan først nu forstå hvor skrækkeligt det må have været :(
    Awkward arms united <3 <3 kys
    Det ser så flot ud!
